Dakotah Lambert and Jeffrey Heinz.
Algebraic reanalysis of phonological processes described as
In Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics,
volume 7, pages 129--138, 2024.
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Sam van der Poel, Dakotah Lambert, Kalina Kostyszyn, Tiantian Gao, Rahul Verma,
Derek Andersen, Joanne Chau, Emily Peterson, Cody St. Clair, Paul Fodor,
Chihiro Shibata, and Jeffrey Heinz.
MLRegTest: A Benchmark for the Machine Learning of Regular
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 25(283):1--45, 2024.
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Jordan Kodner, Sarah Payne, and Jeffrey Heinz.
Why Linguistics Will Thrive in the 21st Century: A Reply to
Piantadosi (2023), August 2023.
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Katherine Wu and Jeffrey Heinz.
String Extension Learning Despite Noisy Intrusions.
In François Coste, Faissal Ouardi, and Guillaume Rabusseau, editors,
Proceedings of 16th edition of the International Conference on
Grammatical Inference, volume 217 of Proceedings of Machine Learning
Research, pages 80--95. PMLR, 10--13 Jul 2023.
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Adil Soubki and Jeffrey Heinz.
Benchmarking State-Merging Algorithms for Learning Regular
In François Coste, Faissal Ouardi, and Guillaume Rabusseau, editors,
Proceedings of 16th edition of the International Conference on
Grammatical Inference, volume 217 of Proceedings of Machine Learning
Research, pages 181--198. PMLR, 10--13 Jul 2023.
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Magdalena Markowska and Jeffrey Heinz.
Empirical and Theoretical Arguments for Using Properties of
Letters for the Learning of Sequential Functions.
In François Coste, Faissal Ouardi, and Guillaume Rabusseau, editors,
Proceedings of 16th edition of the International Conference on
Grammatical Inference, volume 217 of Proceedings of Machine Learning
Research, pages 270--274. PMLR, 10--13 Jul 2023.
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Rémi Eyraud, Dakotah Lambert, Badr Tahri Joutei, Aidar Gaffarov, Mathias
Cabanne, Jeffrey Heinz, and Chihiro Shibata.
TAYSIR Competition: Transformer+rnn: Algorithms to
Yield Simple and Interpretable Representations.
In François Coste, Faissal Ouardi, and Guillaume Rabusseau, editors,
Proceedings of 16th edition of the International Conference on
Grammatical Inference, volume 217 of Proceedings of Machine Learning
Research, pages 275--290. PMLR, 10--13 Jul 2023.
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Dakotah Lambert and Jeffrey Heinz.
An Algebraic Characterization of Total Input Strictly Local
In Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics,
volume 6, pages 25--34, 2023.
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Philip Kaelbling, Dakotah Lambert, and Jeffrey Heinz.
Robust Identification in the Limit from Incomplete Positive
In Henning Fernau and Klaus Jansen, editors, Fundamentals of
Computation Theory, volume 14292 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 276--290. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
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Jonathan Rawski, Hossep Dolatian, Jeffrey Heinz, and Eric Raimy.
Regular and polyregular theories of reduplication.
Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 8(1):1--38, 2023.
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Kalina Kostyszyn and Jeffrey Heinz.
Categorical Account of Gradient Acceptability of Word-Initial
Polish Onsets, 2022.
[ bib ]
Scott Nelson and Jeffrey Heinz.
Incomplete Neutralization and the Blueprint Model of
In Peter Jurgec, Liisa Duncan, Emily Elfner, Yoonjung Kang, Alexei
Kochetov, Brittney K. O’Neill, Avery Ozburn, Keren Rice, Nathan Sanders,
Jessamyn Schertz, Nate Shaftoe, and Lisa Sullivan, editors, Proceedings
of the 2021 Annual Meeting on Phonology, Washington, DC, 2022. Linguistic
Society of America.
[ bib ]
Steven Bird and Jeffrey Heinz.
In Ruslan Mitkov, editor, The Oxford Handbook of Computational
Linguistics, chapter 1. Oxford University Press, 2nd edition, 2022.
[ bib ]
Jeffrey Heinz and Jonathan Rawski.
History of Phonology: Learnability.
In Elan Dresher and Harry van der Hulst, editors, Oxford
Handbook of the History of Phonology, chapter 32. Oxford University Press,
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Eric Bakovic, Jeffrey Heinz, and Jonathan Rawski.
Phonological abstraction in the mental lexicon.
In Lila Gleitman, Anna Papafragou, and John Trueswell, editors,
Oxford Handbook of the Mental Lexicon. Oxford University Press, 2022.
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Magdalena Markowska, Jeffrey Heinz, and Owen Rambow.
Finite-state Model of Shupamem Reduplication.
In Proceedings of the 18th SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational
Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology, pages 212--221, Online,
August 2021. Association for Computational Linguistics.
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Jonathan Rawski, William Idsardi, and Jeffrey Heinz.
Comment on Nonadjacent dependency
processing in monkeys, apes, and humans.
Science Advances, 7(30), July 2021.
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Hossep Dolatian, Jonathan Rawski, and Jeffrey Heinz.
Strong Generative Capacity of Morphological Processes.
In Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics,
volume 4, pages 228--243, February 2021.
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Jane Chandlee, Rémi Eyraud, Jeffrey Heinz, Adam Jardine, and Menno Zaanen,
Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on
Grammatical Inference, volume 153 of Proceedings of Machine Learning
Research. PMLR, 2021.
[ bib ]
Jane Chandlee, Rémi Eyraud, Jeffrey Heinz, Adam Jardine, and Menno van
In Jane Chandlee, Rémi Eyraud, Jeff Heinz, Adam Jardine, and Menno
van Zaanen, editors, Proceedings of the Fifteenth International
Conference on Grammatical Inference, volume 153 of Proceedings of
Machine Learning Research, pages 1--3. PMLR, 23--27 Aug 2021.
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Dakotah Lambert, Jonathan Rawski, and Jeffrey Heinz.
Typology emerges from simplicity in representations and
Journal of Language Modelling, 9(1):151--194, 2021.
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Elena Kokkoni, Effrosyni Mavroudi, Ashkan Zehfroosh, James C. Galloway, Rene
Vidal, Jeffrey Heinz, and Herbert G. Tanner.
GEARing Smart Environments for Pediatric Motor
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 17(16),
February 2020.
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Jing Ji and Jeffrey Heinz.
Input Strictly Local Tree Transducers.
In A. Leporati, C. Martín-Vide, D. Shapira, and C. Zandron,
editors, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Language
and Automata Theory and Applications (LATA 2020), Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, pages 369--381. Springer, 2020.
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Hossep Dolatian and Jeffrey Heinz.
Computing and classifying reduplication with 2-way finite-state
Journal of Language Modelling, 8(1):179--250, 2020.
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Arya D. McCarthy, Ekaterina Vylomova, Shijie Wu, Chaitanya Malaviya, Lawrence
Wolf-Sonkin, Garrett Nicolai, Christo Kirov, Miikka Silfverberg, Sebastian J.
Mielke, Jeffrey Heinz, Ryan Cotterell, and Mans Hulden.
The SIGMORPHON 2019 Shared Task: Morphological Analysis in
Context and Cross-Lingual Transfer for Inflection.
In Proceedings of the 16th Workshop on Computational Research in
Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology, pages 229--244, Florence, Italy,
August 2019. Association for Computational Linguistics.
[ bib ]
Hossep Dolatian and Jeffrey Heinz.
RedTyp: A Database of Reduplication with Computational Models.
In Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics,
volume 2, 2019.
Article 3.
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Jane Chandlee, Remi Eyraud, Jeffrey Heinz, Adam Jardine, and Jonathan Rawski.
Learning with Partially Ordered Representations.
In Proceedings of the 16th Meeting on the Mathematics of
Language, pages 91--101, Toronto, Canada, 18--19 July 2019. Association
for Computational Linguistics.
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Chihiro Shibata and Jeffrey Heinz.
Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Factored Regular Deterministic
Stochastic Languages.
In Proceedings of the 16th Meeting on the Mathematics of
Language, pages 102--113, Toronto, Canada, 18--19 July 2019. Association
for Computational Linguistics.
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Rob Goedemans, Jeffrey Heinz, and Harry van der Hulst, editors.
The Study of Word Stress and Accent.
Cambridge University Press, 2019.
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Jonathan Rawski and Jeffrey Heinz.
No Free Lunch in Linguistics or Machine Learning: Response to
Language, 95(1):e125--e135, 2019.
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Hossep Dolatian and Jeffrey Heinz.
Modeling Reduplication with 2-way Finite-State Transducers.
In Proceedings of the Fifteenth Workshop on Computational
Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology, pages 66--77, Brussels,
Belgium, October 2018. Association for Computational Linguistics.
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Mai Ha Vu, Ashkan Zehfroosh, Kristina Strother-Garcia, Michael Sebok, Jeffrey
Heinz, and Herbert G. Tanner.
Statistical Relational Learning with Unconventional String
Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 5(76):1--26, July 2018.
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Ashkan Zehfroosh, Jeffrey Heinz, and Herbert G. Tanner.
Learning option MDPs from small data.
In Proceedings of the 2018 American Control Conference,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, June 2018. IEEE Control Systems Society.
[ bib ]
Hossep Dolatian and Jeffrey Heinz.
Learning reduplication with 2-way finite-state transducers.
In Olgierd Unold, Witold Dyrka, and Wojciech Wieczorek, editors,
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Grammatical Inference,
volume 93 of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, pages 67--80.
PMLR, 05--07 Sep 2018.
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Jeffrey Heinz.
The computational nature of phonological generalizations.
In Larry Hyman and Frans Plank, editors, Phonological Typology,
Phonetics and Phonology, chapter 5, pages 126--195. De Gruyter Mouton, 2018.
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Jane Chandlee and Jeffrey Heinz.
Strict Locality and Phonological Maps.
Linguistic Inquiry, 49(1):23--60, Jan 2018.
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Jane Chandlee, Jeffrey Heinz, and Adam Jardine.
Input Strictly Local Opaque Maps.
Phonology, 35(2):171--205, Jun 2018.
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Jeffrey Heinz and William Idsardi, editors.
Phonology, Special Issue on Computational Phonology,
34(2), August 2017.
Colin Ewen and Ellen Kaisse, editors-in-chiefs.
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Jeffrey Heinz and William Idsardi.
Computational Phonology Today.
Phonology, 34(2):211--219, August 2017.
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Elena Kokkoni, Ashkan Zehfroosh, Prasanna Kannappan, Effrosyni Mavroudi,
James C. Galloway, Jeffrey Heinz, Rene Vidal, and Herbert G. Tanner.
Principles of Building “Smart” Learning Environments in
Pediatric Early Rehabilitation.
In Robotics: Science and Systems; Workshop on Perception and
Interaction Dynamics in Child-Robot Interaction, 2017.
[ bib ]
Ashkan Zehfroosh, Elena Kokkoni, Herbert G. Tanner, and Jeffrey Heinz.
Learning models of human-robot interaction from small data.
In Proceedings of the 25th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on
Control and Automation, pages 223--228, 2017.
[ bib ]
Enes Avcu, Chihiro Shibata, and Jeffrey Heinz.
Subregular Complexity and Deep Learning.
In Simon Dobnik and Shalom Lappin, editors, CLASP Papers in
Computational Linguistics: Proceedings of the Conference on Logic and Machine
Learning in Natural Language (LaML 2017), Gothenburg, 12 --13 June, pages
20--33, 2017.
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Jane Chandlee and Jeffrey Heinz.
Computational Phonology.
In Mark Aronoff, editor, Oxford Research Encylcopedia of
Linguistics. Oxford University Press, 2017.
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Jeffrey Heinz, Rob Goedemans, and Harry van der Hulst, editors.
Dimensions of Phonological Stress.
Cambridge University Press, November 2016.
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Kristina Strother-Garcia, Jeffrey Heinz, and Hyun Jin Hwangbo.
Using model theory for grammatical inference: a case study from
In Sicco Verwer, Menno van Zaanen, and Rick Smetsers, editors,
Proceedings of The 13th International Conference on Grammatical Inference,
volume 57 of JMLR: Workshop and Conference Proceedings, pages 66--78,
October 2016.
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Chihiro Shibata and Jeffrey Heinz.
Predicting Sequential Data with LSTMs Augmented with Strictly
2-Piecewise Input Vectors.
In Sicco Verwer, Menno van Zaanen, and Rick Smetsers, editors,
Proceedings of The 13th International Conference on Grammatical Inference,
volume 57 of JMLR: Workshop and Conference Proceedings, pages 137--142,
October 2016.
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Kevin Leahy, Prasanna Kannappan, Adam Jardine, Herbert G. Tanner, Jeffrey
Heinz, and Calin Belta.
Integration of Deterministic Inference with Formal Synthesis for
Control under Uncertainty.
In Proceedings of the 2016 American Control Conference (ACC),
pages 4829--4834, July 2016.
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Konstantinos Karydis, Prasanna Kannappan, Herbert G. Tanner, Adam Jardine, and
Jeffrey Heinz.
Resilience through Learning in Multi-Agent Cyber-Physical
Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 3(36):1--12, June 2016.
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Adam Jardine and Jeffrey Heinz.
Learning Tier-based Strictly 2-Local Languages.
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics,
4:87--98, April 2016.
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Jane Chandlee, Adam Jardine, and Jeffrey Heinz.
Learning repairs for marked structures.
In Adam Albright and Michelle A. Fullwood, editors, Proceedings
of the 2014 Annual Meeting of Phonology, Washington, DC, 2016. Linguistic
Society of America.
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Adam Jardine and Jeffrey Heinz.
Markedness constraints are negative: an autosegmental constraint
definition language.
In Ksenia Ershova, Joshua Falk, and Jeffrey Geiger, editors, CLS
51, pages 301--315, Chicago, IL, 2016. Chicago Linguistic Society.
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Prasanna Kannappan, Konstantinos Karydis, Herbert G. Tanner, Adam Jardine, and
Jeffrey Heinz.
Incorporating Learning Modules Improves Aspects of Resilience of
Supervisory Cyber-Physical Systems.
In Proceedings of the 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control
and Automation (MED 16), 2016.
[ bib ]
Rémi Eyraud, Jeffrey Heinz, and Ryo Yoshinaka.
Efficiency in the Identification in the Limit Learning
In Heinz and Sempere [1], chapter 2, pages
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Jeffrey Heinz.
Computational Theories of Learning and Developmental
In Jeffrey Lidz, William Synder, and Joe Pater, editors, The
Oxford Handbook of Developmental Linguistics, chapter 27, pages 633--663.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2016.
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Jeffrey Heinz and José Sempere, editors.
Topics in Grammatical Inference.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2016.
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Jane Chandlee, Rémi Eyraud, and Jeffrey Heinz.
Output Strictly Local Functions.
In Marco Kuhlmann, Makoto Kanazawa, and Gregory M. Kobele, editors,
Proceedings of the 14th Meeting on the Mathematics of Language (MoL
2015), pages 112--125, Chicago, USA, July 2015.
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Adam Jardine and Jeffrey Heinz.
A Concatenation Operation to Derive Autosegmental Graphs.
In Proceedings of the 14th Meeting on the Mathematics of
Language (MoL 2015), pages 139--151, Chicago, USA, July 2015.
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Jie Fu, Herbert G. Tanner, and Jeffrey Heinz.
Concurrent Multi-Agent Systems with Temporal Logic Objectives:
Game Theoretic Analysis and Planning through Negotiation.
IET Control Theory and Applications, 9(3):465--474, February
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Jeffrey Heinz.
A Hilbert Problem for Phonology, January 2015.
This blog posting appeared on
facultyoflanguage.blogspot.com on January 1, 2015.
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R. W. N. Goedemans, Jeffrey Heinz, and Harry van der Hulst.
StressTyp2, 2015.
retrieved 30 January 2018.
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Jeffrey Heinz, Colin de la Higuera, and Menno van Zaanen.
Grammatical Inference for Computational Linguistics.
Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies. Morgan and
Claypool, 2015.
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Jie Fu, Herbert G. Tanner, Jeffrey Heinz, Konstantinos Karydis, Jane Chandlee,
and Cesar Koirala.
Symbolic Planning and Control Using Game Theory and Grammatical
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,
37:378--391, January 2015.
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Jane Chandlee, Rémi Eyraud, and Jeffrey Heinz.
Learning Strictly Local Subsequential Functions.
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics,
2:491--503, November 2014.
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Jie Fu, Jeffrey Heinz, Adam Jardine, and Herbert G. Tanner.
Perception-based Grammatical Inference for Adaptive Systems.
In Alexander Clark, Makoto Kanazawa, and Ryo Yoshinaka, editors,
ICGI 2014 conference booklet, September 2014.
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Adam Jardine, Jane Chandlee, Rémi Eyraud, and Jeffrey Heinz.
Very efficient learning of structured classes of subsequential
functions from positive data.
In Alexander Clark, Makoto Kanazawa, and Ryo Yoshinaka, editors,
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Grammatical Inference
(ICGI 2014), volume 34, pages 94--108. JMLR: Workshop and Conference
Proceedings, September 2014.
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James Rogers and Jeffrey Heinz.
Model-Theoretic Phonology.
Tübingen, Germany, August 2014.
Course taught at the 2014 European Summer School for Logic, Language,
and Information (ESSLI).
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Jeffrey Heinz, Colin de la Higuera, and Tim Oates, editors.
Machine Learning, Special Issue on Grammatical Inference,
96(1-2), July 2014.
Peter Flach, editor-in-chief.
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Manex Agirrezabal, Jeffrey Heinz, Mans Hulden, and Bertol Arrieta.
Assigning stress to out-of-vocabulary words: three approaches.
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Artificial
Intelligence (ICAI 2014), pages 105--110, Las Vegas, NV, July 2014.
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Jeffrey Heinz, Colin de la Higuera, and Tim Oates.
Introduction to the Special Issue on Grammatical Inference.
Machine Learning, 96(1-2):1--3, July 2014.
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Jie Fu, Herbert G. Tanner, Jeffrey Heinz, and Jane Chandlee.
Adaptive Symbolic Control for Finite-State Transition Systems
with Grammatical Inference.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 59(2):505--511,
February 2014.
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John Case, Jeffrey Heinz, and Gregory M. Kobele.
Interpreted Learning: A framework for investigating the
contribution of various information sources to the learning problem.
In Carson T. Schütze & Linnaea Stockall, editor,
Connectedness: Papers by and for Sarah VanWagenen, volume 18 of UCLA
Working Papers in Linguistics, pages 103--114. 2014.
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Jeffrey Heinz.
Culminativity Times Harmony Equals Unbounded Stress.
In Harry van der Hulst, editor, Word Stress: Theoretical and
Typological Issues, chapter 8. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK,
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Jie Fu, Herbert G. Tanner, and Jeffrey Heinz.
Adaptive planning in unknown environments using grammatical
In Decision and Control (CDC), 2013 IEEE 52nd Annual Conference
on, pages 5357--5363, December 2013.
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Jeffrey Heinz and James Rogers.
Learning Subregular Classes of Languages with Factored
Deterministic Automata.
In Andras Kornai and Marco Kuhlmann, editors, Proceedings of the
13th Meeting on the Mathematics of Language (MoL 13), pages 64--71, Sofia,
Bulgaria, August 2013. Association for Computational Linguistics.
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Jeffrey Heinz and Regine Lai.
Vowel Harmony and Subsequentiality.
In Andras Kornai and Marco Kuhlmann, editors, Proceedings of the
13th Meeting on the Mathematics of Language (MoL 13), pages 52--63, Sofia,
Bulgaria, 2013.
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James Rogers, Jeffrey Heinz, Margaret Fero, Jeremy Hurst, Dakotah Lambert, and
Sean Wibel.
Cognitive and Sub-Regular Complexity.
In Glyn Morrill and Mark-Jan Nederhof, editors, Formal Grammar,
volume 8036 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 90--108.
Springer, 2013.
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Jeffrey Heinz and William Idsardi.
What Complexity Differences Reveal About Domains in Language.
Topics in Cognitive Science, 5(1):111--131, 2013.
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Darrell Larsen and Jeffrey Heinz.
Neutral vowels in sound-symbolic vowel harmony in Korean.
Phonology, 29:433--464, December 2012.
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Jeffrey Heinz, Anna Kasprzik, and Timo Kötzing.
Learning with Lattice-Structured Hypothesis Spaces.
Theoretical Computer Science, 457:111--127, October 2012.
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Jane Chandlee, Jie Fu, Konstantinos Karydis, Cesar Koirala, Jeffrey Heinz, and
Herbert G. Tanner.
Integrating Grammatical Inference into Robotic Planning.
In Jeffrey Heinz, Colin de la Higuera, and Tim Oates, editors,
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Grammatical Inference
(ICGI 2012), volume 21, pages 69--83. JMLR Workshop and Conference
Proceedings, August 2012.
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Jane Chandlee and Jeffrey Heinz.
Bounded copying is subsequential: Implications for metathesis
and reduplication.
In Proceedings of the 12th Meeting of the ACL Special Interest
Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology, pages 42--51, Montreal,
Canada, June 2012. Association for Computational Linguistics.
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Jane Chandlee, Angeliki Athanasopoulou, and Jeffrey Heinz.
Evidence for Classifying Metathesis Patterns as Subsequential.
In The Proceedings of the 29th West Coast Conference on Formal
Linguistics, pages 303--309. Cascillida Press, 2012.
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Brian Gainor, Regine Lai, and Jeffrey Heinz.
Computational Characterizations of Vowel Harmony Patterns and
In The Proceedings of the 29th West Coast Conference on Formal
Linguistics, pages 63--71, 2012.
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Jeffrey Heinz and William Idsardi.
Sentence and Word Complexity.
Science, 333(6040):295--297, July 2011.
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Jeffrey Heinz, Chetan Rawal, and Herbert G. Tanner.
Tier-based Strictly Local Constraints for Phonology.
In Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics, pages 58--64, Portland, Oregon, USA, June 2011.
Association for Computational Linguistics.
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Jie Fu, Jeffrey Heinz, and Herbert G. Tanner.
An Algebraic Characterization of Strictly Piecewise Languages.
In Mitsunori Ogihara and Jun Tarui, editors, Theory and
Applications of Models of Computation, volume 6648 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, pages 252--263. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2011.
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Chetan Rawal, Herbert G. Tanner, and Jeffrey Heinz.
(Sub)regular Robotic Languages.
In IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation,
pages 321--326, 2011.
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Jeffrey Heinz and Jason Riggle.
In Marc van Oostendorp, Colin Ewen, Beth Hume, and Keren Rice,
editors, Blackwell Companion to Phonology. Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
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Jeffrey Heinz.
Computational Phonology Part I: Foundations.
Language and Linguistics Compass, 5(4):140--152, 2011.
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Jeffrey Heinz.
Computational Phonology Part II: Grammars, Learning, and the
Language and Linguistics Compass, 5(4):153--168, 2011.
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Jeffrey Heinz.
String Extension Learning.
In Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics, pages 897--906, Uppsala, Sweden, July 2010.
Association for Computational Linguistics.
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Jeffrey Heinz and Cesar Koirala.
Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Feature-Based Distributions.
In Proceedings of the 11th Meeting of the ACL Special Interest
Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology, pages 28--37, Uppsala,
Sweden, July 2010. Association for Computational Linguistics.
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Jeffrey Heinz and James Rogers.
Estimating Strictly Piecewise Distributions.
In Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics, pages 886--896, Uppsala, Sweden, July 2010.
Association for Computational Linguistics.
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James Rogers, Jeffrey Heinz, Gil Bailey, Matt Edlefsen, Molly Visscher, David
Wellcome, and Sean Wibel.
On Languages Piecewise Testable in the Strict Sense.
In Christian Ebert, Gerhard Jäger, and Jens Michaelis, editors,
The Mathematics of Language, volume 6149 of Lecture Notes in
Artifical Intelligence, pages 255--265. Springer, 2010.
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Daniel Blanchard, Jeffrey Heinz, and Roberta Golinkoff.
Modeling the Contribution of Phonotactic Cues to the Problem of
Word Segmentation.
The Journal of Child Language, 37(3):487--511, 2010.
Special Computational Issue (Brian MacWhinney, ed.).
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Jeffrey Heinz.
Learning Long-Distance Phonotactics.
Linguistic Inquiry, 41(4):623--661, 2010.
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